Thursday, June 20, 2013

The X and Y Manager

You may be thinking that here I will be solving math by assuming X & Y as the unknown quantities of algebra. Nope my friends I am talking about the different kind of managers in an organization. This theory was created and developed by DOUGLAS MCGREGOR in organization behavior and management. They describe two contrasting models of workforce motivation. Theory X and Theory Y have to do with the perceptions managers hold on their employees, not the way they generally behave. It is attitude not attributes.
Mcgregor's X-Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. McGregor's XY Theory remains central to organizational development, and to improving organizational culture. McGregor's X-Y theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of day-to-day business are all too easily forgotten.

Theory X assumes that employees are naturally unmotivated and dislike working, and this encourages an authoritarian style of management. According to this view, management must actively intervene to get things done. This style of management assumes that workers:
  • Dislike working.
  • Avoid responsibility and need to be directed.
  • Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what's needed.
  • Need to be supervised at every step, with controls put in place.
  • Need to be enticed to produce results; otherwise they have no ambition or incentive to work.

Theory Y expounds a participative style of management that is de-centralized. It assumes that employees are happy to work, are self-motivated and creative, and enjoy working with greater responsibility. It assumes that workers:
  • Take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are given.
  • Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction.
  • Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems imaginatively.

Let’s Analyze this 4 cases-
1) Theory X Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
2) Theory X Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work
3) Theory Y Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
4) Theory Y Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

1)Theory X Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
When LAZY workers are made to work by Theory X Managers, they use authoritarian ways to deal with them. Managers try to get work done by frightening the workers, workers work just for the sake of their job and to avoid getting fired.  But in such a case, both the Worker and Management is at loss. In all,the whole organization suffers.
  • There is lack of innovation and new ideas as work is seen as a burden by workers.
  • Management gets more and more negative and hopeless towards the workers and their business.
  • Lack of responsibility on workers side
  • Workers stand against the management and risks the business.
  • Instead of making the workers realize their wrong attitude, management makes them develop retaliative approach.
2) Theory X Managers assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work
This case can have even more devastating consequences. Manager knows that worker is NOT LAZY, but his authoritarian approach and his lack of realization can lead to :
  • Lack of innovation and new ideas: Though company has workers who can give great ideas, but they fear the management and do not participate in communication
  • Waste of useful human resource
  • Workers avoid taking roles and responsibilities just to be on the safe side.
  • Stagnant business practices despite availability of resources
  • Growing discomfort, dissatisfaction and insecurity among the workers.  
  • Though performance based rewards are given, but the rewards won't bring personal satisfaction to the workers 
3) Theory Y Managers assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
Theory Y Managers are hopeful. They try to reward, motivate and support the workers. The implications of such management can be:
  • Lazy workers get motivated and try to change their attitude towards work
  • Lazy workers realize the values of the company
  • Lazy workers realize their role and responsibilities in the company. They start communicating their ideas which are most welcomed by the management.
  • Timely perks, appreciations boosts the morale of such workers and as time progresses they turn out to be efficient workers. 

4) Theory Y Managers assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work
The implications of such management are:

  • Workers are given good roles and responsibilities and expected to deliver the same.
  • Workers try to bring up their ideas and innovations on the common platform which are respected and discussed.
  • Workers feel secured and comfortable. The personal satisfaction and monetary rewards make employees happy.
  • Such practices develop Theory X principles in the workers itself and they practice the same when they reach top management.

What type of Manager you should be depends upon the environment you are working. But the research says the type Y managers are successful because they don't force their workers and are ever encouraging. this practice is now being followed in most of the industry and it is yielding results.

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