Thursday, June 20, 2013


The day began at 6.30 and a walk around the pond just filled enough energy for the day. The lecturers began from morning 9AM till 6PM. The classes began with one of the most famous professor of NITIE, Prof. Prasad also known as Dr. Mandi.
Ever herd from a prof. that you can record my video and take photos when I am taking lecture I guess NO, but Prof. Mandi is different  he wants that not only the students who are in nitie should know but also other students who don’t get chance to be at nitie should learn. His way of thinking about educating young India is quite different, he just wants that people should use the technology to educate the masses.Dr. Mandi is one the most  lively professor I have seen in my life. And  has a unique way of teaching his class. .
As soon as he entered the class he gave some toys which he had brought with him, a plastic butterfly, a globe and allowed the students to play with them, which made me think what the hell is going on in a lecture, but later on he asked a student to sell the same toy to another student for Rs.70, but then he said a Manager should be able to sell it at a cost of Rs.500. and I was stunned for a second, but it made me realize that this how a mandi works where people are fooled, and it made me think why he is famous as Dr. Mandi. 

His mantra for the day was “AAJ KI ROTI AAJ HI KAMAO”. Many people may be having this question that what about future planning then???  Yes there should be future planning but the first and foremost thing is that you should be able to earn money for the day and then think about the future. While we are study in the college we should start our own enterprise and make our own earning and should not be a burden on the family. Many students from this college had started their enterprise when they were in the college and now they have grown it into a big business. His main motto being that we should be entrepreneurs and earn our living.
The other side we can say that we should be self-dependent in every aspect, and the spoon feeding is destroying us, and the NITIE students shouldn’t strive for placement  but rather make their own enterprise, and we should be competent enough to give placements to others. Then his favorite mantra is   "socho becho,becho sikho,shiko socho" .i.e. a typical Mandi style. He then gave examples of NITIE alumina who made big while being in the campus.
It’s really fun when we have prof. like Dr. Mandi who teach students with full enthusiasm, the day didn’t stop there we had another lecture lined up which was a rocking one with a song played in the class, the famous  “Another brick in The Wall” (The famous song by Pink Floyd ).This how the principle of Organization Management was taught to us in a completely different but an enjoyable way.

1 comment:

  1. nice one :) ... i know the mantra-"socho becho, becho sikho, shiko socho" ... but whenever i used to tell my fellow engineering friends about the same, they always thought i am a typical "sindhi".
    ah leave that old stuff... But, the most important thing is that entrepreneurship comes from within. Anyone can teach you how to be an entrepreneur, make you understand/learn what entrepreneurship is, but its totally up to you that how you plan, start, execute, develop, manage, satisfy your and your enterprise's needs. And most important- how easily you succeed in the worst situations when people around you (once with you) betray you ... by this i meant - the competitive world ;)
    oops... i think wrote much than i thought ;) :)

    @himanshu- enjoy the new life.
